LP Kuay 招财进宝 Phra Sivali 护身符


参与 Phra Pidta Luang Setthi LP Koon BE 2568 的抽奖活动!

库存 5 件


LP Kuay Wealth Fetching Phra Sivali Amulet BE 2563


Mass Chanted: Empowered through sacred ceremonies by revered monks.
Temple of Origin: Wat Kositaram.
限量版: Only 2,000 pieces crafted, officially recorded in temple archives.

Phra Sivali is a highly venerated figure in Buddhist history, symbolizing wealth, fortune, and abundance.

As a prominent disciple of Lord Buddha, Phra Sivali attained Arahantship (enlightenment) and was revered as the foremost monk in fortune drawing.
Known for his miraculous ability to attract prosperity, wherever he went, humans and Devas (celestial beings) would gather to offer him food and necessities for monkhood.
Lord Buddha often relied on Phra Sivali to lead monks on long, arduous journeys through barren regions, ensuring provisions and blessings for the group.

Purpose and Benefits

Phra Sivali is renowned for bringing luck, wealth, and prosperity to his devotees. Worshiping him is believed to:

Enhance fortune and financial success.
Remove obstacles and attract abundance in life.
Bring blessings of prosperity, particularly for individuals in the Food & Beverage industry, making this amulet highly recommended for those seeking success in business.

To honor Phra Sivali, simply call upon his name or chant a katha (prayer) with faith, and he will bless you with good luck and prosperity.

LP Kuay’s Blessing

The esteemed monk LP Kuay once said:
“Whoever wears my amulet will always prosper and be ‘one step ahead’ in life. They need not fear poverty or hardship.”


✅ 本产品包含获得成功的膜拜。

✅ 本店所有护身符均保证为 100% 正品。

重量 0.025 公斤



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