Paladkik 水牛和山羊角 LP Pern


参与 Phra Pidta Luang Setthi LP Koon BE 2568 的抽奖活动!

库存 5 件


Paladkik 水牛和山羊角 LP Pern

Paladkik Buffalo and Goat Horn edition measuring 2.56 inches (6.5 centimeters). This special edition blessed by Luang Pho Pern of Wat Bang Phra in the year 2544, is a unique masterpiece crafted with ancient wisdom and a touch of enchantment.


  • Size: 2.56 inches (6.5 centimeters)
  • Blessed by Luang Pho Pern, Wat Bang Phra, Year 2544
  • Powerful formula for charm and prosperity

The Paladkik: Buffalo and Goat Horn belongs to the category of animal-themed amulets, a popular choice in ancient times due to their rarity and magical properties. Crafted from mystical materials with minimal chances of occurrence, such as the mythical buffalo with a rounded belly or the celestial goat with wings, these amulets are believed to harness celestial powers and are considered highly auspicious.

This unique piece serves as a talisman of natural Buddhist virtues, offering inherent protection against negative forces and enhancing positive qualities. Known for its ability to turn fortunes and attract prosperity, wearing this amulet is believed to bring about a state of enchantment and abundance in your life.


✅ 本产品包含获得成功的膜拜。

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重量 0.017 公斤
尺寸 4 × 1.5 厘米



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